How To download software from WeiYun ?

Option I:(Recommended, safe and fast)
If you want download xentry software in the weiyun ,such as below:
Quickly download it if you do: Open the link first, click on "极速下载", then click"微信账号登录", 
you will get a QR code, just take a photo of it and send it to or Whatsapp: 18084815707
the technician will tell you to refresh the page,then you can quickly download the software in 5.8MB per second.
Contact us:
Whatsapp: +8618054815707

Option II (Not recommended, because the account unsafe in different IP)
1.Open the link we send you, Click log in here

2. Select QQ account log in

3. Fill the account and password : qq account:  1738750173  passowrd: SZOBD123

4. Click log in