How to Read and Write PSA EDC16C3 by OBD or Bench With Foxflash

Foxflash ecu master tool read and write EDC16C3 PSA 1.4 HDI by OBD, Checksum ok by the tool, the vehicle starts ok.

OBD just read flash data. Reading 6 minutes, writing 1.22 minutes.

Image attached:

Foxflash EDC16C3 PSA Read Write Via Obd 2 Foxflash EDC16C3 PSA Read Write Via Obd 3

If need to read/write both eeprom and flash, you need to read it on bench.

BOSCH EDC16 C3 [ MPC556 ] – Citroen, Peugeot [Diesel] Pinout to Foxflash

Connect the multifunction cable as follows, use the Bench Box:

Foxflash EDC16C3 PSA Bench 1

To read and write use the following driver:
→ [brand]
→ MPC555/6 – [brand]
→ EDC16 C3

Foxflash EDC16C3 PSA Bench 2