Lonsdor [Big discount for LKE] & [SKE Trade-In LKE] Promotional activity start on June 18th
June 18th-30th, 2020 Super discount for K518 user
Buy LKE at bottom price
Lonsdor LKE Emulator: 218GBP with shipping free
Lonsdor k518ise + LKE : 1134GBP with shipping free
Lonsdor k518S + LKE :772GBP with shipping free
SKE Trade-In LKE
The more SKE(min.3pcs, max 5pcs) you have, the cheaper trade-in price you will get. Please click activib icon in K518 to get detailed information. Activity icon will show in K518 on June 18th.Please connect K518 to network on June 18th.